Patella Stabilizers are designed to give support to knee injuries such as Ilio Tibial Band Friction Syndrome, Osgood-schlatters and knee arthritis, and also relief to knee pain during everyday and sporting activities. Products range from the simple yet effective knee straps to the more technical hinged knee brace.Patellar knee band straps can be used for a number of different knee problems. They are simple but extremely effective. They are often referred to as Jumpers Knee Straps or Patellar Straps.

Knee bands are designed to put pressure through the patella tendon and support the kneecap, therefore improving patellar tracking (kneecap movement). This helps reduce the forces going through the kneecap and patella tendon.
A patellar strap is perfect for use with Osgood Schlatters, Patellar Tendonitis (Jumpers Knee), Chondromalacia Patella and Runners Knee. They are also good for general anterior knee pain around the kneecap. Double knee straps work well for Iliotibial Band Syndrome.
There are three different types of patellar knee band to choose from – single, double and magnetic. Most of the Patella Straps are "one size fits all".

Single Patella Knee Strap
These are the most widely used patellar knee band straps. They are very popular and people often can’t believe how such a small strap makes such a difference to their knee pain.

Double Patella Knee Strap
This style of patella knee band goes round the top and bottom offering more support and making it more versatile. They are good for general anterior knee pain and Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), as well as all the usual conditions single knee straps work for. Personally I am less keen on the double straps as I think the single patellar straps work just as well and are cheaper. However some people really like having the extra support above the knee too.
Magnetic Patella Knee Strap
Magnetic knee braces claim to work in a combination of ways:
1) Increase blood flow and reduce inflammation
2) Decrease pain
3) Promote general well-being and relaxation

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