What is an Arm sling?
A sling is a strong fabric loop that hangs from your neck to support your arm. Your arm, bent at the elbow, rests in the sling. Some slings have a strap that goes down your back to take the weight off your neck. This strap is connected to the elbow side of the sling. Your healthcare provider will help you decide which sling is best for you and where you can get one.
Why do I need a sling?
You may need a sling because of an injury or surgery to your hand, wrist, arm, or shoulder. A sling helps prevent your hand, arm, and shoulder from moving so your injury can heal. A sling can also help if you have a heavy cast on your arm.
How do I use the sling?
Your healthcare provider will teach you how to put on your sling. Follow the directions below to help you put on the sling at home:
Gently bend your injured arm at the elbow and hold it in front of you, across your body. Your thumb should be pointing up.
Put the strap of the sling around your neck. The strap usually has an adhesive fabric to make it easy for you to fasten the strap.
Put your arm in the sling so your elbow is in the closed end of the sling. Your hand will be at the open end of the sling.
Put the edge of the sling so it covers the first fold of the little finger.
Wiggle your fingers as directed to prevent stiffness in your hand.
A sling is a strong fabric loop that hangs from your neck to support your arm. Your arm, bent at the elbow, rests in the sling. Some slings have a strap that goes down your back to take the weight off your neck. This strap is connected to the elbow side of the sling. Your healthcare provider will help you decide which sling is best for you and where you can get one.
Why do I need a sling?
You may need a sling because of an injury or surgery to your hand, wrist, arm, or shoulder. A sling helps prevent your hand, arm, and shoulder from moving so your injury can heal. A sling can also help if you have a heavy cast on your arm.
How do I use the sling?
Your healthcare provider will teach you how to put on your sling. Follow the directions below to help you put on the sling at home:
Gently bend your injured arm at the elbow and hold it in front of you, across your body. Your thumb should be pointing up.
Put the strap of the sling around your neck. The strap usually has an adhesive fabric to make it easy for you to fasten the strap.
Put your arm in the sling so your elbow is in the closed end of the sling. Your hand will be at the open end of the sling.
Put the edge of the sling so it covers the first fold of the little finger.
Wiggle your fingers as directed to prevent stiffness in your hand.
Adult Arm Sling
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