For most people, however, as time goes by it becomes far less a problem as we slowly learn the complexities of fitting an ostomy appliance in such a way to achieve its peak efficiency for our own bodies and stoma. However, for some ostomates it can be a huge problem lasting years. In these worst cases, and if left unresolved, the fear of leakage can leave people frightened to leave the house in case the pouch should leak causing a big mess to have to clean up in an unfamiliar environment which maybe doesn’t have the best or most appropriate facilities for an ostomates needs, as well as the huge embarrassment for them if anyone were to realize what was happening.

Importance of Finding the Cause of your Leakage:
The term leakage is a simplistic yet all-encompassing word when it comes to the definition an ostomy flange or pouch’s adhesion failing sufficiently for the contents to escape. But the truth is that there are many different reasons as to why this could happen. In this editorial we would be going over the five of the most common reasons for ostomy leakage, and then suggest a product which could be used to try and combat the problem.
When it comes to finding the cause of your leakage, it helps if you put on your deerstalker hat and get into a detective’s frame of mind.
Seriously though, if you are at a loss as to the reason for your leakage, check the back of the flange after it’s leaked and you’ve removed it. This holds the biggest clue of all, you will be able to see what path the stool took on its break to freedom. Compare this to your skin and see what problems are present. This is most likely the cause of your leakage. If it is not obvious from this what the problem may be, then it’s possibly one of the following five reasons which covers the vast majority of reasons for leakage discussed.
Condition of the skin. Is it raw, or does it have a rash all over it, or on part of it? If so, you may be allergic to the flange, and it may be interfering with the adhesive properties of the flange. Also, check to see if the area around where the flange leaks is any worse than elsewhere.
With leakage, the stool will always follow the path of least resistance. Do you have a belly crease which in turn is creasing the flange and creating a nice little tunnel for your stool to escape?
Look at your flange. Was the gap around the stoma too large? Or was it too tight? Or just right? Do you have protruding stitches around your stoma which the flange has trouble molding around?
Do you have a belly cavity near the stoma? Flanges may struggle to adhere to these dips in your belly and lead to leakage.
Check your stoma. Is it flat/flush to the skin? Is it inverted / pulled in?
Once you’ve discovered the source of your leakage then you are in a better position to be successful in stopping your leakage in its track, and there are a number of products available on the market which are designed to help reduce opportunities for leakage to occur.
Potential Solutions :
One thing to bear in mind with all ostomy products is that our bodies are very individual, and because of that, a product which works great for one person may not work anywhere near as successfully for another, and vice versa. Although we will be presenting specific company products in this section it is the type of product we are suggesting in most cases. Where possible we’ve also listed some other examples from the same product category too. So, if you have no luck with a Eakin Seals for example, don’t give up on seals totally; instead try the Coloplast Stoma Ring, as one of those may work better for you than the others.
Also, leakage can sometimes be caused as a result of a combination of problems. So there is no reason why you cannot use multiple products to help combat it.
In the following section we will list the problem which may possibly cause leakage for an ostomate, along with the type of product which may help you combat it. We hope is that in this section you will discover some new products which you maybe haven’t discovered before, and if it helps eliminate even just a few ostomates leakage then writing this editorial has been a worthwhile project.
About Cohesive Seals
Do you suffer from embarrassing pouch leaks? Does the skin around your stoma sometimes become slightly red and sore?
* If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. According to research, the majority (85%) of people with a stoma have experienced appliance leakage, whilst 45% suffer from skin problems near their stoma. However, many of these people just accept their problems and do not seek medical help.
* Sore skin near your stoma is caused by output from your stoma coming in contact with your skin. Many people with stoma think that red skin and slight discomfort close to the stoma is normal and acceptable but this can be solved through use of Eakin Cohesive®.
* A stoma appliance can leak for a number of reasons such as extremely liquid stool or an uneven skin surface around the stoma which can cause output to leak under the bag. Again, this problem can be solved through using Eakin Cohesive® to make the bag completely secure.
* Launched in 1980, Eakin Cohesive® has been successfully preventing leakage and protecting the skin for millions of users around the world. For total security and peace of mind, try a sample of Eakin Cohesive® today. Take away the worry of leakage and lead your life with confidence!
How To Use It
Eakin Cohesive Slims® and Seals are quick and easy to apply. Simply follow the instructions in our video listed below or use the guidelines below.
1. Clean and dry the surrounding skin
2. Warm the Seal between your hands before removing the white paper (This is not necessary for Cohesive Slims®)
3. Remove the paper and mold the Cohesive® Seal by gently teasing and stretching it into the shape to suit your body's individual needs
4. Position on the body and carefully mold the Cohesive® Seal to ensure a snug fit around the stoma. No skin directly around the stoma should be exposed
5. Flatten the outer edge of the Seal. Warmth from your hands will help to ensure a good seal is achieved
6. Fit the pouch as normal and hold in position for 30 seconds.

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Nice article on Ostomate