An elevated or raised toilet seat can easily be installed on top of your toilet bowl. The advantage of a raised toilet seat is that it provides the additional height from 3 inches to 5 inches, decreasing the distance you have to sit down or stand up. The design is constructed of heavy duty, white polyethylene and provides excellent support. No installation is necessary as it sits on top of your existing toilet bowl.
We carry a wide variety of raised toilet seats / toilet seat risers / toilet risers / medical toilet seats listed below:

Also, a 3 in 1 commode can be used as a raised toilet seat, standard bedside toilet, an elevated toilet seat, or safety rails over the toilet.

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If you break a bone in your leg or foot, have a procedure on your knee or lower leg, or suffer a stroke, your doctor may recommend that you use a walking aid while you are healing or recovering. Using crutches, a cane, or a walker can help keep your weight off your injured or weak leg, assist with balance, and enable you to perform your daily activities more safely. Best walking aids UK